Four Online Resources to Better Understand Illicit Drug Abuse

There are many troubled teen programs and troubled teen services that can assist with illicit drug abuse. After all, the opioid crisis, bath salts, prescription drugs, and other stimulants can be very problematic and ultimately lead to troubled teen behavior.

The National Institute on Drug Abuse Study: Monitoring the Future Survey for 2018 conducted by The University of Michigan Institute for Social Research revealed some interesting results. The report stated that illicit drugs (other than cannabis) held steady at the lowest levels in more than two decades. Even though the report indicated that few drugs showed a significant decline in use in 2017, the use of most drugs was well below peak levels in recent years.

While a promising trend, there’s still no hiding the fact that illicit drugs are still present among teens. So, what can teens and parents do about this?

A good starting point is to visit these series of online resources. They will not only provide more insight on illicit drugs, the effects, and the problems they can cause for teens, but they just may curb its use altogether for a drug-free lifestyle.

  1. Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration National Help Line

This is a free, confidential national help line that’s available 24/7/365 that offers treatment referral and information services for individuals and families dealing with mental or substance use disorders. Referrals to treatment facilities, support groups, and community-based organizations are also available.

  1. Growing up Drug Free: A Parent’s Guide to Prevention


A joint research effort by the U.S. Department of Justice and the U.S. Department of Education, this downloadable PDF file provides information specifically for parents on why teens use drugs and how they can help their teen(s) stay drug free.

  1. Get Smart About Drugs

Another resource for parents, this government website includes research by the Drug Enforcement Administration (DEA). It entails latest news, videos, questionnaires, statistics, and detailed information about identifying and preventing the use of illicit drugs and pharmaceuticals among children and young adults.

  1. NIDA For Teens – Advancing Addiction Science

This URL offers a wealth of information to understand all things related to illicit drugs to educate teens, parents, and teachers. Information on prevention, treatment, signs of drug abuse and detailed information on the series of illicit street drugs are all searchable and provide information you need to know.

Many resources are available for teens and parents to better understand illicit drugs and the downfall they can cause. Recognizing the problems with drugs and potential abuse is vital to a teen’s behavior and future. It just may mean the difference of teens staying drug free or sliding down that slippery slope of illegal substance abuse.

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