How Can a Group Home Help My Troubled Teen?

Group homes are devised for many types of adolescents facing difficult problems. Most importantly, there are those available to assist trouble teens who exhibit extreme or repetitive delinquent behavior, early signs of illegal substance abuse, and other serious adolescent issues.

Group homes are unlike therapeutic boarding schools or other troubled teen residential programs. For instance, they consist of a smaller enrollment (between five to 10 residents at one time), encompass a functional home-like atmosphere, and offer specific-devised treatment plans to further help a teen’s unique problems. For a better snap shot, describes group homes as “a sort of family dynamic ‘practice’ for teens to build skills that are intrinsic to functional home-living, such as emotional and behavioral self-control, pragmaticism, relational bonding, and obedience towards authority.”

So are group homes beneficial? In many cases they are. The same article states that “experts who are proponents of the system’s methods claim that the intimate and easily-manageable number of teenage residents maximizes the overall effectiveness of group homes for troubled teens.”

One of the key differences between a group home and other troubled teen residential programs is the treatment provided. For instance, some common programs include family therapy that involve parents or other family members; conventional one-on-one therapy with a psychiatrist or child psychologist; and illegal (or legal) drug and alcohol rehabilitation programs. It’s important to remember that the latter program may vary as only basic drug and alcohol-related therapies may be offered.

One of the other benefits in group homes is that they are widely available throughout the U.S., providing care to those who need specialty assistance or specific rehabilitation. Even though some group homes may not be government-subsidized and are privatized, others may be covered under certain health insurance policies, offering a little more accessibility to assistance and guidance.

With a long list of many other benefits associated with group homes, consult with the one that is closest to your county, and inquire about how they can help your troubled teen transition back into a more stable lifestyle.

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