How Can I Keep my Teen Out of Trouble this Summer?

Summer is a season every teen rejoices. With long, beautiful days, warm nights and no school or homework, life can’t be better. It’s also a time when they have more time on their hands. They long to use the car, socialize more, and “go out” more often.

Whether a teen is developing more responsibility during adolescence or has a history or signs of troubled teen behavior, it’s important to ensure they are kept occupied with responsibility and activities during the warmer months.

It’s also an effective means of keeping them out of trouble.

A teen’s desire to hang with their peers and socialize more often in summer is only natural. However, this is also an age when they become a little more rebellious, curious, and develop a tendency to defy some form of authority, which can lead to potential problems.

So, what measures can be taken? Some are simple, some are not. Here are four to consider.

  1. Summer Employment

From washing dishes and landscaping to pumping gas, summer jobs are ideal for adolescents. They not only provide a set of challenges, but result in more independence. Plus, they experience the new-found opportunity of earning their own money, which may be a great incentive to realize that hard work has benefits. A part-time job will also take time away from carousing at night and doing something they really shouldn’t be doing.

  1. Enroll in Sport or Activities

Maintaining active outside school is always important. It has many health and mental benefits and allows teens the chance to further socialize with their peers. Activities also provide a way to stay focused and progress further with the sports or activity they enjoy.

  1. Take Precautions Around the House

Not all time is consumed by activities and part-time employment during the summer. Being kept busy still doesn’t mean they can’t get into trouble. After all, this is a stage when it’s common to experiment with alcohol and illegal (and legal) drugs. According to, parents or guardians should make a point to keep track of prescription drugs or alcohol in the house, and limit their presence. Being out of sight just may curb the urge to experiment.

  1. Know their Friends

With any socializing comes the opportunity for teens to meet new friends. This is can be good, but new unknown, friends may cause trouble. According to, friends influence behavior and it only makes sense for parents to worry about their teens’ social circle.”

This is especially true if new friendships are developed and they start showing changes in behavior – for the worst. In fact, when a new circle of friends is established, be cautious of a transformation in personality including negative changes in mannerisms and rebellious attitudes, including sneaking out at night and keeping a suspicious and “secret” schedule.

These are just a few of measures to take while your teen is at home during the summer (or any time of year for that matter). But, if your teen is demonstrating signs of troubled teen behavior, various summer programs are available to consider. Traditional summer camps or in extreme cases specific teen wilderness programs and teen boot camps are some options to consider.

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