Is Online Therapy Effective for Troubled Teens?

With the increasing popularity of online programs for teens, therapy, in some cases, no longer involves the process of spending time in an office talking to a therapist about underlying psychological problems.

Virtual therapy, internet counseling, e-therapy, despite the moniker, they all have the same goal of providing efficient, effective and flexible support for troubled teens in a virtual setting – a space where most teens are more comfortable.

As sessions can be held in the confines of a home or even in a teen’s bedroom, virtual therapy is a far cry from attending conventional troubled teen programs. In fact, online programs for teens are on the rise and becoming increasingly popular.

According to Science Direct, a study concerning the attitudes towards online therapies among teens reports that “72 percent of adolescents would access online therapy if they experienced a mental health problem.” It also stated that “31.9 percent would choose online therapy over traditional face-to-face support.”

It may not be for everyone as it may depend on the teen’s condition and state of well-being, but virtually therapy does have benefits including:

Added Privacy

According to an article on, online programs for teens provide an added sense of privacy and discretion. For instance, many teens would feel embarrassed if their friends ever found out they were seeing a therapist. So, online therapy just may “reduce their concerns” considering it’s the confines of their home or bedroom.

Added Convenience

The same article reported that an online session in a virtual setting means a teen can do the session practically anywhere there’s sufficient privacy and a good Wi-Fi connection. It’s also ideal if transportation is a concern or for those living in rural areas, making it way easier to access.

It was also reported that if a teen suffers from anxiety or addiction, many online programs offer immediate assistance to address their concerns, which is not possible with in-person sessions given the weekly or monthly appointments.

Bottom Line: Is it Effective?

As previously mentioned, virtual therapy is not an ideal solution for every troubled teen. However, according to, it is a simple means of getting help teens need “and millions of people are now choosing internet psychotherapy over traditional in-office therapy.” also reports a virtual therapist’s platform often involves therapist-to-patient match program to effectively treat specific issues at hand, and then continue with sessions – all remote and in a comfortable, familiar setting.


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