Understanding the Benefits of Troubled Teen Residential Treatment Centers

Sending your teen to a residential treatment center can be a hardship for any parent, and even for teens themselves. If you look at it from a perspective of “sending your child away” or “my parents don’t want me” you just escalate sensitive emotions. So, by understanding some of the benefits and advantages will help you, as a parent, make the best decision to effectively help your troubled teen.

To begin with, always remember – before or during their enrollment – the most important aspect of a residential treatment programs is your troubled teen will be seeking the guidance they need. Well-educated, experienced and fully-trained faculty are there for the utmost support with a focus of helping them overcome their issues at hand for a better future.

If it’s your first time seeking a residential treatment programs for your troubled teen, you’ll have many questions and concerns. In fact, according to the Federal Trade Commission, there are many positive aspects of a residential treatment program. These include being less restrictive (and less serious) over youth detention centers or hospitalization, plus they are the ideal alternative when other community services have been exhausted.

Also, the Federal Trade Commission states there are many residential treatment programs available in communities across North America. As they have monikers including teen military programs, therapeutic school for teens, troubled teen boarding school, or teen wilderness programs, they all share the same efforts. It’s helping your troubled teen overcome specific issues including substance abuse addiction, mental health concerns, and additional behavioral problems.

What Type of Programs are Offered at Residential Treatment Programs?

As a parent, this is probably your first (and most important) question.

For instance, The Venture Academy, which consists of three major accredited private centers for troubled teens across Canada, offers many programs. They include specific individualized therapy, small group processes, education, and treatment, while always reassuring family reunification.

The Venture Academy also states that they have a daily structured routine to include scheduled therapy with an assigned therapist; education in a classroom setting; counselling and skill building sessions in small groups; and fitness/recreation activities in the community. Support from treatment staff, crisis intervention, individualized attention and/or support, and medical appointments are also available.

One of the other key objectives that is worth noting is that a teen treatment center ideally separates them from any bad influences, which negatively impact their thinking and behavior. This could range from undesirable peer groups and drugs or alcohol to bullying and problems with social media.

Making the decision of sending your child to a troubled teen residential treatment program is not easy for any parent. Yet, with the right guidance, determination, and knowledge of what is best for your troubled teen simply reinforces their chances of a secure, bright and positive future.

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